

Composition of the Classroom

Each classroom is equipped with a teacher, assistant and an aide in the afternoon. Each staff member is also certified in CPR and First Aid. We have the ratio of 10 to 1 in each classroom.

Staff Position Credentials
Mrs. Elena Simmons Principal Ed.D. Educational Leadership
M.A. Special Education
M.A. Education
B.A. Elementary Education
Mrs. Michelle Woodson Teacher Early Childhood Certification
Ms. Akesha Prettymen Teacher Early Childhood Certification
Ms. Lisa Hammett Teacher Early Childhood Certification
Ms. Karrian M. Hood Teacher
M.S. Education
B.S. Education
Mrs. Joeller Stanton Teacher’s Assistant
Early Childhood Certification
Ms. Shameka Wilkes-Gantt
Teacher’s Assistant High School Diploma
College Attendee
Ms. Stacey Travers Teacher’s Assistant Early Childhood Certification
Ms. Tijah Ellerbe
Aftercare Aide High School Diploma
Ms. Patricia Long
Aftercare Aide High School Diploma

Teacher’s Office 365 Webmail Link

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